Unexpected reason why you never put four feng shui bamboo in vase

The bamboo is a good feng shui security context and benign, less murderous. According to feng shui, the number of different tree trunks symbolize different things.

Surely many people had seen the scene in the bamboo in restaurants, stores, hotels, places of business or in the home. They are tiny and really easy to make, easy to display. Bamboo is often used as a powerful tool to attract money, wealth, and health.

Why bamboo brings good luck?

There are two reasons for making bamboo become a feng shui security context.

- That's it hollow from inside: The hollow structure (like a pipe) of the plant to help promote energy circulation. Thus, bamboo helps pass the energy in the house, always new and more energy-sucking uncle.

- Again it was due to the hollow from the inside is like a hiding place of potential wealth.

Feng shui bamboo plants and the Five Elements

Five elements affecting everything and bamboo is not outside the law of the name ..

- Jupiter: Stems bamboo wood.

- Mercury:  We need to water the bamboo, or plant bamboo in the water bath. Thus the mercury is shown.

- Saturn: rock, gravel, clay in the bottle represents the earth element.

- Mars: Always have a red ribbon tied to the vase or the trunk. Red represents fire

- Venus: Usually a metal coins are tied with red tape or with a metal coins in the jar; metal elements and thus guaranteed.

However, does not mean that you can put the bamboo in anywhere in the home. There are some rules of feng shui for luck bamboo position that homeowners need to follow.

Placement of lucky bamboo plant

Like anything else in Feng Shui, the location of lucky bamboo is very important too. Important because, if placed properly, lucky bamboo can actually help attract "tons" of positive energy in the home.

There are 2 important place where you can put lucky bamboo.

- East: When placed in the east, lucky bamboo will help members of the family have great health.

- Southeast: Southeast as the region moves talent. Therefore, a bamboo plant here will help to strengthen the financial and bring more money into the family.

How to care for bamboo feng shui

The lucky bamboo plant care in your home is not a difficult job. They need very little care, but you need to make sure that you are doing some work needed.

6 things to do:

- Choose a pot at least 5cm wider than the tree.

- Adorn vase with stones and pebbles polished. Also make attractive vase, these stones will help keep straight bamboo.

- Keep healthy bamboo plant in your house.

- Use water as clean as possible to water the bamboo.

- Cut the leaves immediately.

- Change the water at least once every 15 days.

4 things to avoid:

- No overwatering.

- Do not let the lack of water plants.

- Tre hate direct sunlight (too strong); therefore it must be to stay in the shade.

- Avoid dirt, piles of clutter and anything negative near bamboo trees.

The number of bamboo stalks & Meaning (Which one is best for you)

The bamboo is a good feng shui security context and benign, less murderous. If you've ever noticed the trunk will find many bunched together and kept neatly in a vase. The reason stems bunching together is to enhance the effect of attracting positive energy.

According to feng shui, the number of different tree trunks symbolize different things.

- A: Only a single bamboo. This type usually has no roots but still leaves develop. They are often used as gifts - between business people. Even with some simple bamboo with white flowers is considered especially lucky.

- Two: Bamboo stalks two supposedly double luck and is often associated with love. This is an ideal gift for people who love each other.

- Three: If you're looking for happiness, longevity and wealth, the three stems of bamboo trees for you. This is also a feng shui bamboo plants are the most popular.

- Four: You should absolutely avoid bamboo average 4. Number 4 is the number of death and you will never find it anywhere. So you never put four feng shui bamboo in vase

- Five: 5 stalks of lucky bamboo enriches 5 major areas of your life. You should be in the house if you want the body and healthy mind, career and finances.

- Six: 6 bamboo is said to attract good luck, fortune and a golden opportunity to achieve wealth and money. They are often presented in the business place.

- Seven: If health is what you're interested, here are your options.

- Eight: Eight Chinese in Vietnam heard similar "play" - growth, and therefore it is considered good luck for the couple anxiously.

- Nine: It symbolizes good luck and blessings to the recipient.

- Ten: Bamboo 10 relatives wish to imply people happy and satisfied with what is in life.

- Twenty-one: This is the bamboo has the strongest effect of feng shui. It means that all the best wishes for you. Givers want you to be rich, healthy.